Never leave till tomottow Part 1

Never leave till tomorrow
 which you can do today

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One Approach Does Not Fit All

Time cannot be bought, stored or stopped every second that passes is gone forever and can never be recovered or re-used. In this respect it should be seen as the valuable of all resources and the only way to maximize it potential is to manage it well. Working effectively is all about getting things done, but it is also about planning for the future. It is very easy to fall into the trap of doing things right, at the expense of doing the right things. This is the scenario of rearranging the deck chairs on the sinking ship. Effective time management tips involves learning to focus on the right things whilst letting go of some of the routine and less important tasks. Whilst time management forwards many proven technique, you will need to develop a strategy that suits your own needs.

Organizational Issues

Whilst addressing your own personal time management strategy is important, it is equally important to consider changing aspects of the organizations culture to maximize the benefits of time management tips. This is because the organizational structures within which we work can lead to significant time loss.  individuals and departments may jealously guard tasks for which they are poorly qualified whilst more capable teams and individuals carry on with mundane and routine activities.  This fails to stretch the personnel involved and may also lead to de-motivation, sickness and high staff turnover.  It is important to identify problem areas within these structures, so that wherever necessary change can be brought about.

Part -2   Click Here 


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