Never leave till tomorrow - Part 2

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Don't watch the clock
do what it does, keep going....

Task Management

The way in which work is divided into tasks and how these tasks are allocated is one of the defining characteristics of any organization. At this  highest level, time wasting factors may be built into the system. For example, the distribution of tasks may be uneven or unfair, with important tasks having fat too little attention and resources attributed to them.  Task management may also be adversely affected by poor communication between individuals and the chain of command may be obscure or non-existent. Some tasks may interfere with the execution of others, some may be carried out in the wrong order or may duplicate or overlap with each other.  These factors can contribute to a huge time wasting overhead, and represent the sort of fundamental efficiency problem that can threaten the very existence of the organization. These organizational problems are compounded if the individuals within the organization have no mechanism by which they can make suggestions for improving efficiency and effectiveness. Together these factors can lead to substantial time-loss, frustration and stress.

Common Misconceptions about Time Management

Managing time is all about choosing which tasks to do and in which order. You may not have the luxury of choosing what work you will do, and the majority of tasks may be allocated to you from higher up in the organization.  However, you still have to make decisions about what to do and when. You will have colleagues and subordinates who are there assist, and you will have to make decisions about how best to use these resources. Here are some common misconceptions about time management.

Efficiency and Effectiveness are the same

Being efficient means doing quickly and properly, but efficiency in itself is not good time management.  To get results, you have to be effective, which means knowing what your priorities are and doing the right at these right time to achieve your objectives. Efficiency is doing things right, Effectiveness is doing the right things and good time management will enable you to do the right things-right.

To do a job properly, do it yourself
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The ability and willingness to delegate is central to good time management.  Conversely, inability or unwillingness to delegate is one of the primary causes of poor performance in business. If you spend time doing tasks that are not central to your objectives, you cannot focus on the things that will make a difference to your results.

There's only one right way to do a job

It is always worth spending some time thinking about how a particularly time-consuming task could be done more efficiency. Don't allow yourself to get into a rut. Ask yourself questions like: what is the required outcome of doing this task?

Time Management is a waste of time

A Good time manager spends some time each day thinking and planning. These activities are vital to long-term success in business, and whilst doing them does not make you look busy, it will pay big dividends in your effectiveness. Once you have properly planned and scheduled your tasks for the day, you will be far less troubles by the pressure of time.
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A Good time manager lacks creativity

Good time management techniques are there to be used when and how you choose.  They are designed to remove unwanted crisis management and last minute panic from your working day and to allow more time for creativity.

(We will discuss tomorrow about time management tactics)


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