Want to grow your business ?
For any business to grow, it must provide its customers with a consistent and reliable service or product. It’s also vital to remember that retaining existing customers is as important as winning new business.
Many small organizations may experience difficulty growing their business.
More often than not, they operate within the confines of a certain area and
have a limited capacity to serve beyond those boundaries. As such, business
growth tends to be very slow. Potential customers can often be sceptical about
putting their higher value contracts in the hands of small, seemingly
unprepared and inexperienced organizations. One way, however, to encourage
confidence among new and existing customers is by achieving ISO 9001
ISO 9001 is the international standard that defines the requirements for a
Quality Management System (QMS). Businesses use the standard to demonstrate
their ability to consistently provide products and services that meet customer
and regulatory requirements. Being certified demonstrates that an organization
is capable of delivering on its customer promise.
To be certified, a recognized, independent body has to assess your business
against the requirements of the standard and verify that your organization
meets those requirements. With an ISO 9001 certification, your business will
have newly acquired credentials that give your clients confidence in your
ability to deliver.
Here are five ways to grow your business with ISO 9001 certification:
Improve your performance
ISO 9001 certification offers the ideal way to grow confidence among your
customers. It demonstrates your ability to consistently deliver on your stated
customer promises. Organizations with ISO 9001 often experience vastly improved
internal processes. Certification leads to the implementation of well-defined
and documented procedures. Inefficient processes are eradicated and procedures
are put in place to deal with problems. Over time, fewer mistakes are made and
consistency is greatly improved. Furthermore, successful implementation
provides continuous assessment and improvement.
Boost repeat business
Sell yourself
As such, acquired certification should be at the heart of any organization’s sales and marketing strategy. It is essential that everyone in both your supply chain and client database is made aware that your business boasts ISO 9001 certification.
Enhance your competitive edge
With ISO 9001 certification, your business can confidently compete for both
public and private contracts. As an internationally recognised standard,
accredited certification means organizations meet a high level of quality.
ISO 9001 certification can often be a stipulation for public contracts. By
asking for ISO 9001 from contractors, the public sector can prove it is
spending tax payers’ money wisely. Public sector bodies can rest assured that
they won’t have to waste time checking an organization’s credentials. Rather,
they are able to let the certificate do the talking. The standard allows an
organization to prove its quality credentials, which is why ISO 9001 is
requested in so many public and private sector tender situations.
ISO 9001 can often be a requirement in the private sector too. If applying
to become part of a large supply chain, where the main contractor has ISO 9001
in place, then certification can be particularly pertinent. The credibility of
ISO 9001 gives a clear competitive advantage to companies throughout the
business world.
Increase your market share
ISO 9001 can help your company to realise growth, by becoming an integral
part of the bigger picture. The ethos behind the quality standard is to help
you deliver a better service to your existing client base. The standard is
respected as a mark of trust and quality.
While it may not be as immediate as winning a new client, greater efficiency
saves money. Savings that go straight to the bottom line. Tweaking processes
and eradicating unnecessary duplication means your staff can spend more time
engaged in tasks that add value to your business.
Using ISO 9001 as a continuous opportunity to review processes is inevitably
going to be good news for your clients. Satisfied clients not only spend more,
they also recommend and refer more. While it was not initially developed to
help organisations win new business, increasing your market share has often
been a welcome consequence of certification.
सोसाइटी बनाकर लोन के लालच का खेल " यहाँ क्लिक करे "
लाल डोरा प्रॉपर्टी पर लोन। जानने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे
मजे लो , अनजान फ़ोन नंबर पर बात करे यहाँ क्लिक करे
तड़प तड़प कर मर जाना अच्छा हो जाता है या एक दम मर जाना यहाँ क्लिक करे
सोसाइटी बनाकर लोन के लालच का खेल " यहाँ क्लिक करे "
लाल डोरा प्रॉपर्टी पर लोन। जानने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करे
मजे लो , अनजान फ़ोन नंबर पर बात करे यहाँ क्लिक करे
तड़प तड़प कर मर जाना अच्छा हो जाता है या एक दम मर जाना यहाँ क्लिक करे
एक टिप्पणी भेजें