Deifference between wife & girlfriend

If you are Married, in what way do you think your Wife is different from the Girl you dated ?
If you are Single, in what way you want your Wife to be different from the Girl you are dating ?

Here are distinctions between your Dates and your Wife. It will Answer the Question ‘IS SHE THE ONE ?‘

Dates and Wife Difference #. 1

The Girl you Date want you to be all hers. She does not want you to be so close to your family.
The Girl you Marry herself wants to know more about your Family. She wants you and herself to be close to Family because she totally knows that what ever you are, its all because of your family.

Dates and Wife Difference #. 2

The Girl you Date is worried about how she looks, her nails, her clothes and being beautiful in front of everyone. She considers Physical Beauty more Important.
The Girl you Marry is not worried about her looks and her nails. She prioritizes character and thoughts. She knows that ‘Beauty comes from within’.

Dates and Wife Difference #. 3

The Girl you Date prioritizes her Career before the Relationship. She makes all her future planning without you in it.
The Girl you Marry cares very much about you and your dreams. She prioritizes the Marriage more. She works with you to achieve all her as well as your Goals.

Dates and Wife Difference #. 4

The Girl you Date is very Happy with the Financial Cocoon you provide. Whenever she gives you something, she expects something bigger back.
The Girl you Marry wants to build the financial cocoon with you. She don’t want you to be the only one trying to make Life financially stable. She never expects something back when she gives you something.

Dates and Wife Difference #. 5

The Girl you Date thinks that she knows Everything.
The Girl you Marry knows that there is always room for improvement and learning new things.

Dates and Wife Difference #. 6

The Girl you Date will not tell you her Deepest Secrets as she is Scared.
The Girl you Marry will tell you all her Deepest Secret, however embarrassing they might be. She wants to build the Marriage on the Pillars of Trust.

Dates and Wife Difference #. 7

The Girl you Date don’t want to think about Marriage, Family and Children (even if she wants to someday).
The Girl you Marry wants to talk to you about Family and Children. She is very Excited about all this.


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